ZWAVE basic protocol UWP app (Windows Store)

Now that I established that UWP app support Serial ports (finally) I can think about writing a basic, close to the hardware, straightforward ZWAVE app for Windows Store

I considered doing it back when “ZWave people” tried to protocol closed and secret.

I sniffed things around using a sigma developer app that was floating around internet at the time and it seemed pretty simple stuff.

ZWave seem to be passed around different “owners”/companies and now the (once expensive) SDK seem to be free and open… Good job wasting 5 years.

Put togheter a quick and dirty proof of concept and things seem to be pretty easy and reliable

The idea is to push (ASAP) a Windows Store client App for those ZWave USB sticks and let people be able to troubleshoot//interact a bit with whatever Home Automation solution they choosed to play with.

WH2650 Gateway

I have the feeling that this device share the protocol with the excellent EcoWitt G1000.

Supported Sensors:

Up to 4 WH45 Indoor CO2 PM2.5 PM10 Temperature and Humidity 5-in-1 Air Quality Sensor
$ 159.99
Up to 4 WH43 PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor for Indoor Use
$ 59.99
Up to 4 WH41 PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor Monitor Outdoor
$ 59.99

1 WH32 outdoor temperature and humidity sensor
1 WH40 self-emptying rain gauge sensor
1 WS68 wireless anemometer
1 WH57 lightning sensor
(often bundled in a single Weather station)

Up to 8 WH31 multi-channel temperature and humidity sensors
Up to 8 WH51 soil moisture sensors
Up to 4 WH55 Water leak sensors
Up to 8 WN34 Temp Sensors

Soil moisture sensor (WH31SM)
Lightning detector (WH31L),
Leak Detector (WH31La),
Probed thermometer (WH31P)

GW1000 post 2

The developing is going smooth and steady.

I posted the tease around to check if it is there any interest or suggestions.

Wyze Random notes

No public API
Official Client use a pretty pedestrian API
The API seem to have no problem accepting requests from unofficial clients (TinyCam) using Wyze credentials.
Interesting note: Wyze customers don’t seem mind giving their username/password to an unauthorized 3rd party.
Usual unofficial GitHub
TinyCam developer (alexey.vasilyev) is an active reddit user and point to nblavoie GitHub

Some RTPS support for some of their camera


Wyze V2 camera (aka NEOS Smartcam)
Original hardware [Xiaomi hardware Xiaofang 1S]
Wyze Pan camera (aka NEOS Smartcam)
Original hardware [Xiaomi hardware Xiaomi Dafang]
Seem Wyze and Neos just rebrand Xiaomi devices.
Both Wyze and Neos don’t seem to add any value and have 0 R&D.

Usual unofficial GitHub
Alternative “hacked firmware” :
I suspect Wyze “RTSP firmware” share the same code.
Not idea what is the original source.
I suspect the classic China manufacture “leak” and that’s the reason why Wyze can’t officially support it.




 Cheetah Mobile


A substantial amount of the videos taken with Wyze in the United States have been exfiltrated to China for study and distributed to a variety of companies in the mainland. Many are involved in the healthcare space, such as iHealthLabs.

Wyze cameras automatically begin scanning a users network environment once plugged in and begin initiating a series of automated hacking attempts against devices in a user’s home.

All Wyze devices allow Wyze, or anyone who has accessed their database within the last 10 months, to SSH tunnel into the devices from anywhere in the world.

It jams its tentacles into your eyes to see what you see, into your veins to know how you feel, and finally crawl into your brain to be aware of everything you hear and ultimately to infer whatever you think, could consider, or have done.

Ambient Weather progress

Going outrun for the Ambient Weather dashboard update:

I’ll try to see if the Microsoft Store can support a “Bundle” and give every application of the “family” for free to whoever buy at least 1 version.

Quite happy with the NOAA forecast routine. I could make a separated app